Wednesday, January 30, 2008

How Google Video Search Engine can Solve 2 Major Website Owner's Problems

What is the solution to #1. Getting your site indexed in Google, and #2. Generating quality traffic to your website?

Answer: Use the awesome power of video.

When Google bought out YouTube for 1.67 Billion dollars, it was the shot heard round the world. Now I don't know if you realize it or not %70 of the USA has broad band access, and that is just the US, not to mention the rest of the world.

I have been researching this heavily, and burning alot of midnight oil, and what I found out, is that when Google bought YouTube, YouTube was forced to dump half of it's content, due to liscening issues. I was dumbfounded. They paid out 1.67 million for half the content. Why would they do this? Simple. They knew the speed at which it would automaticaly regenerate itself. The beautiful thing is, they don't have to lift a finger, the public will regenerate that content and more, now that it is a part of the mighty Google.

This is revolutionary, in the fact that video has morphed, or combined with social bookmarking sites, and YouTube and Google Video beta, get tremendous loads of traffic. The third site is Revver, which although not as famous as the other two, still is very poplular and recieves a large amount of traffic.

What does this mean for you, the aspiring marketer?

This means, that if YOU create your own infomercials, right now, and get them loaded to these high traffic sites, loaded with the right keywords in the title and description box, there is a good chance that you will be indexed very quickly.

Google is like a Content Dracula, they love quality, people generated content. Google Video, is a search engine that does nothing but search for videos, 24 hours a day.

This is a quantum leap forward for webprenuers that are just starting out.

Why? It solves two huge problems that we face everyday as business owners. #1. How do you get your site indexed in the major search engines? and #2. How do you drive targeted traffic to your website?

The great thing is, that you can create power point presentations, or screen capture videos, narrate them in your own voice, and viola! You've just made an infomercial, and you didn't even have to own a webcam.

This solves 2 other problems, Fear of video "freezeup" and lack of equipment, such as a video camera, or a Sony camera capable of mp4 video capture, or a webcam.

My favorite tool for this job is Camtasia. It has a feature that I just love, and that is when you use .swf as your medium, you can re-direct the viewer to your sales page, automaticaly. This is fantastic, because it empowers you to "steer" the viewer instantaneously to the sales page, while they are still in the "mindframe" to buy.

So, fellow marketers who are struggling to generate traffic, and get your site indexed, so you can make some money to support your family, your mission, should you choose to accept it, is give Google what they want, be sincere, be yourself, and simply recommend your site to the viewer.

Jeff Davis has "expert status" at and is featured on Blog33244
Bari Blog33544

Homeowner Debt Consolidation Loan: Showing The Right Way

If you are homeowner and looking for an external finance to consolidate the numerous debts then click on to homeowner debt consolidation loan. Any individual who is a homeowner is eligible for the loan and can borrow amount easily to disburden the pile of debts. The loan is offered and can be approved in both traditional and online procedure by filling the form with details of personal and credit history.

It mater less how and from which sources you have accumulated the debts, but homeowner debt consolidation loan concentrates on how you can discontinue them by offering loan and services. All your miscellaneous debts can be nullified in a single amount and result in a positive impact by providing relief from all the irritating phone calls and comments of the creditors. Advantages and benefits of homeowner debt consolidation loan can be obtained by placing property as collateral. Because of this secured feature homeowner debt consolidation loan carry a low rate of interest and long repayment tenure which makes the monthly repayments easy and affordable. The less monthly payments cut down the variable rate of interest, which you might be paying to different creditors for your debts. Such a slash in the interest rates will definitely empower your financial condition and can directly create an atmosphere to rebuild or restore it.

Any debtor is eligible to borrow homeowner debt consolidation loans by placing collateral and can borrow amount from 5,000-75,000 for 5-75 years. Having a reliable and satisfactory credit profile and placing of higher equity might facilitate debtors to borrow more amount than mentioned. Numerous lenders exist in the market that are ready to advance loan instantly and at reasonable rates. But collecting and comparing the various offers and quotes will lead him to get a rational and according to budget loan. Homeowner debt consolidation loan designed after speculations and assumptions which are entirely committed to erase the debts and improve the financial score of debtors.

Antonio Vargas has been associated with Student Loan Debt Consolidation. His articles provide you useful knowledge to find the right financial product at the right price. To find homeowner debt consolidation loan, student loan consolidation, consolidate loan student, debt consolidation loan student visit Blog11415
Catarina Blog67728

Is Fair Trade Coffee Really Fair?

The US consumes about 20% of the world's coffee production. This makes it a huge market and the demand of that market is one of the things that keeps coffee prices fairly high. One might think that part of that price gets back to the people who actually grow the coffee, but traditionally it hasn't. Only a tiny bit of the price we pay for coffee makes it back to the producers, but it's not enough to support production costs, much less a family.

The tiny, almost trivial, amount that makes it back to the workers forces them into a cycle of poverty and debt. The Fair Trade movement was developed to try to change that. Among other things, to be Fair Trade certified means that the growers will get at least $1.26 per pound for their coffee, much better than the typical 40-60 cents.

Using determination and persistance the Fair Trade movement has convinced over 100 companies, including Starbucks and Peets, to give you the opportunity to buy fair trade coffee. More and more companies are also joining this rapidly growing movement.

In addition to giving the grower a fair price, the movement is also pushing for organic farming methods, the idea being that organic farming is easier on the environment, fewer pesticides and chemicals are used, and it is also cheaper for the farmer. This makes it a win-win situation with the farmer incurring lower costs, getting more money, and not contaminating the land.

So what, exactly, is Fair Trade Certified Coffee? Basically it's the coffee sold by a company, such as Starbucks, that has entered into an agreement with a licensing company to purchase Fair Trade Certified coffee. Transfair USA is the only Fair Trade certification company in the US, but there are 17 of these companies worldwide.

Certification guarantees that the Fair Trade requirements are met. These requirements include that a minimum price is paid to the growers for the coffee, the buyer assists the grower with access to credit (to pay for harvesting,) and an incentive for growers and marketers to enter into longer term contracts. Long term contracts provide stability for the farmer, since he doesn't have to worry about where he will sell his coffee crop.

Before Fair Trade the minimum price for the coffee might be as low as 20 cents a pound. The ability to make enough money to live on, and raise a family on, means a great deal to the growers. It also gives them a greater incentive to be productive, since they know the extra work is meaningful.

In addition to the certifications for the buyers there is a similar system for the growers. The Fairtrade Labeling Organization (FLO) maintains a producers registry. In order to be a part of this registry the producers (farmers) must meet several criteria. They have to be poor, they cannot make use of hired labor, and they have to be democratically organized into small farmer associations. This ensures that the benefits of the Fair Trade movement go to the people who need it the most.

The Fair Trade movement is powered by a small, but growing, and very energetic group of people. Using grassroots activism, not government regulation, they are seeing encouraging and growing results among the various coffee companies. As mentioned above, over 100 companies are participating to a greater or lesser degree. There are a number of companies that are already 100% Fair Trade and more that are transitioning over from the traditional trade methods.

To learn more about Fair Trade Coffee, which companies are involved, and to see if you want to get involved, just go to your favorite search engine and type in "fair trade coffee."

Greg MeeAudie Blog44809
Adrianne Blog47897

Should You Get A Home Equity Loan When Refinancing?

Among the most economical lending solution available today are home equity loans and home equity lines of credit. Depending on your personal financial situation, some of the interest can be used as a tax deduction. They are generally flexible and generally offer you the best rates available. There are a lot of advantages to a home equity loan. However, be sure to refinance with extreme caution.

There are two different types of home equity loans. The actual loan usually has a fixed rate with a precise period of time in which the loan needs to be paid off. Also fixed is the payment. This type of loan is ideal for someone who has a precise amount in mind. When consolidating your debts, such as student loans, credit cards, car loans or doing some home improvements, a homeowner will obtain a home equity loan to consolidate their entire payments inro one easy to pay bill. Often times, this creates a lower overall monthly payment.

A more flexible option is a home equity line of credit. This is an open ended loan meaning the payment and rate usually tends to be lower and is variable. A line of credit is generally used like a credit card, with tax benefits. Interest is only paid on the portion of the line you use. The rest is available for when and if you need it. Whenever you make a payment, that portion that is applied to the principle and is then available to use again if need be. Some lenders will offer a card for easier access. This option is great for when you do need to use the money immediately or would like to have the flexibility to keep using the money without going through the loan process over and over again.

If you have equity left over, when you refinance your current mortgage, often times you will be offered a home equity line of credit or home equity loan. If you have other debts that are above and beyond your original mortgage, a good way to go is a home equity loan. You are probably wondering why you wouldn't include all of your debt in your original loan. Well, often times, in order to keep the loan amounts under 80%, debt is split into two different loans. This allows people to take advantage of the best rate available. If you are able to keep the loan amount under 80% of the home appraisal value, then you can easily avoid paying Private Mortgage Insurance, or PMI.

Whenever you do not have a need for a second loan when you are refinancing, you can then just put the money towards a line of credit. It is a good thing to have, should an emergency arise. When the need arises, the money is ready for you to use. This will save you the hassle of going through the entire loan process time and time again.

Another great benefit is the loan company can simply use the same credit inquiry for this loan that they used for the first loan. One note of precaution though, a line of credit usually has an annual fee attached to it. Be sure to ask your bank about specials they may be running in order to offset the cost. Sometimes they are willing to negotiate with you so that you will take the offer.

As you can clearly see, there are a lot of benefits to both a home equity loan and a home equity line of credit. Before making a decision, be sure to weigh all of your options. So that you are able to make a more informed decision, talk about the cost and ask if there are any hidden fees

Joshua Suffie is the expert behind the website Mortgages are a cut throat industry. Our information will give you the upfront knowledge to deal competently with mortgage brokers and get the best deal possible. Our site is http://www.refinancingright.comAmity Blog33905
Alexina Blog12181

Science Fiction DVDs

Can there anyone who truly doesnt love movies? I am a big fan of silver screen, which is assisted with mystic surround sound and an ambience of something big and worthy. Movie Theater going is a special something experience. As you lax and sit back in a sofa like seat with handful of popcorn and a big bottle of coke, you are putting aside the worries of office time and moving into a special world. If there is a good storyline and nice presentation, all our attention will be focused on the story and we cant take our eyes off the screen. For me that means Science Fiction DVDs.

Gradual changes take place in the way we are used to see movies. For good or bad, we dont have to care about buying a movie ticket and watching the films according to predetermined schedules that are beyond our control. We can enjoy the film we like anytime, without stepping out of the comfort zone of our living room. Yeah, I am talking about watching DVD movies. When it comes to DVD movies, my vote goes to science fiction DVDs. Who wants reality? We have seen enough of real world. Our entertainment needs to touch new levels of fantasy and entertainment.

Which science fiction DVDs do you consider worth the watching? My first preference is The Matrix Trilogy. It has changes the concept of science fiction movies altogether. It appeals to the broadest class of audience. It is so special that the movie encompasses different genre to a single film. Here again, it is the appeal that a movie has maximum number of people irrespective of their genre preferences holds the key in making a movie something special. Though you can put the movies like Star Wars in to the basket of Science Fiction DVDs, I think they have something more to do to reach the levels of a Sci-Fi entertainer. I pick The Thing by John Carpenter as the classic example of sci-fi movies. Though it is a little movie, it encompasses different elements to attract a whole generation of movie buffs.

There are a number of places out there, where you can find the latest science fiction DVDs. You may be moving to your local DVD/movie library, or to places like Wal-Mart. High end DVD stores usually have a rich collection of science fiction DVDs. You may also compare prices to find the DVD you like for the lowest price. Comparing prices is quite easy when I go online. is the first place I go. I also try and I was never disappointed while I searched for a science fiction DVD title that would meet my expectations of sci-fi entertainment.

Morgan Hamilton offers expert advice and great tips regarding all aspects concerning online arts. Get the information you are seeking now by visiting Blog9030
Andreana Blog47636

Breastfeeding Pros And Cons

No matter how you look at it, breastfeeding is the best feeding alternative to keep your child healthy and strong. Breast milk, according to the experts, contains proteins, fats, and antibodies that help protect your child from infection and disease. It also provides your child with enzymes that help with his or her digestion.

Yet no matter how long the list of benefits is, there are still some mothers who can not do it because of time constraints or low milk production. Others combine formula feeding and breast milk. There are no disadvantages to breastfeeding. Rather, there are factors that may prevent some mothers from breastfeeding. Here are several of the Pros and cons of breastfeeding:


1. Breast milk contains such nutrients as vitamins, minerals, and an enzyme that aids in digestion and prevents diarrhea.

2. Breast milk contains antibodies that help babies fight off infections like otitis media and respiratory problems like meningitis and bronchitis. It has been found to reduce the incidence and intensity of atopic diseases. Babies who breastfeed tend to suffer from colds less frequently and have fewer incidents of colic.

3. Breastfeeding protects babies against Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS), as well as sepsis in pre-term babies.

4. Breast milk is free -- you save a lot of money not having to buy formula.

5. The high protein content of breast milk aids in the development of the baby's brain and may led to higher IQ (as mentioned by a study which claims that breastfeeding can add as much as eight more points to the baby's IQ).

6. Breastfeeding helps moms lose weight and get back to their pre-pregnancy size.

7. Breastfeeding strengthens the bond between mother and baby

8. Breastfeeding lowers the mother's risk of developing pre-menopausal breast and ovarian cancer.

9. Breast milk protects children from developing food allergies.

10. Breastfeeding helps the uterus return to its pre-pregnancy size.

11. Breastfeeding is effective in combating postpartum depression

12. Breastmilk is convenient and readily available


1. Blood-borne viruses and diseases like Hepatitis B and HIV can sometimes be passed on from parent to child through breast milk. It is important that mothers have a thorough check-up prior to breastfeeding.

2. Babies who breastfeed need to be fed more frequently than those who drink formula.

3. Pumping milk can be difficult and sometimes painful. It requires somewhat expensive pumps and numerous bottles.

4. Breastfeeding can occasionally be painful for the mother. A few women develop wounds and soreness on their nipples due to the baby's strong sucking reflex.

5. Babies who breastfeed sleep for shorter periods of time than babies on formula.

6. There are times when a mother just doesn't produce enough milk. Some mothers produce less milk than others. This is why there are mothers who opt to combine breast- and formula feeding.

It is clear that, nutritionally speaking, breastmilk is best for your child. Unfortunately, while breastfeeding is ideal, it is not something that some mothers can do. Examine your options carefully when deciding between breastfeeding and formula feeding, and get advice from a physician or a lactation consultant. Ultimately, only you know which choice is best for you.

Linda Davis contributes to several web sites, including and http://yetra.comBernardine Blog70522
Addia Blog62470

Microsoft Dynamics GP Integration: FAQ & Highlights

Microsoft Great Plains version 10.0, 9.0, 8.0 is only supported on Microsoft SQL Server DB platform, which opens the whole world of SQL scripting for SQL programmer, however in order to follow GP business logic and do not harm you should be familiar with table structure and how records are distributed in MS SQL company and DYNAMICS databases. So, please first read about other integration options and make a decision on the next step:

* GP Integration Manager. This tool is rather end-user and very intuitive, however if you are VBA programmer (if you did VBA scripting for MS Excel or Access, something like that) you can advance IM integrations with custom logic: pre-document scripts allow you to manipulate such properties as invoice or payment date. Also in Integration Manager you can do data translation if you integrate vendor invoices and you have your company corresponding vendor number here translation does the job

* eConnect. If you are C# or VB.Net developer you may like this tool. It allows you to create master records: customer, vendor, employee, account, etc. as well as work transactions: SOP Order, Invoice, POP Purchase Order, things like that. Technologically eConnect core business objects are written in SQL stored procedures, which you cant change but there is no need as they are organized in the form of GP objects for your convenience

* SQL Scripting. Please, think first about eConnect this is the collection of SQL stored procs isnt it what you need? When you are thinking about your own SQL stored procedures to integrate something with GP do you plan to enter new master records and transactions: customer and Invoice? If our suspicion is close please think about deploying eConnect. If you think that you got to use direct SQL scripting, then try this approach enter in GP the transaction you plan to import via SQL scripts and analyze in details records distribution. Good example would be SOP order: SOP10100, SOP10200 tables, assuming you dont do inventory items allocation. Then try to imitate it in your SQL stored procedures. SQL scripting might be too challenging, even if you are professional SQL DBA or developer GP has Microsoft Dexterity architecture with such tricks as DEX_ROW_ID, for example. Also GP tables consistency is validated through so-called check links process if you SQL feeding was not 100% accurate check links might wipe out your records

* Dexterity Integrations. If you do not have Dex development experience or formal training, we dont recommend you to develop in Dexterity this is too complex and dex in turn is too proprietary. Dexterity allows you to do to the GP internal world as deep as you need or wish. Dexterity is not object oriented language, so you have to program it in old-good-days style.

* Autoposting Server. Supported by Albaspectrum, and written in Dexterity it allows you to extend eConnect with automated posting from your eCommerce application. All you need is dedicated GP workstation and user license with custom dexterity application Autoposting server installed. As the developer you will need to populate approved for posting batches table

Andrew Karasev, Alba Spectrum Group, 1-866-528-0577, 1-630-961-5918, serving Microsoft Dynamics GP USA and Canada nationwide: Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver, Calgary, Windsor, New York, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Miami, Orlando, Pittsburg, Toledo, Indianapolis, Detroit, Philadelphia, Boston, Washington, Seattle, San Diego, Phoenix, Austin. Local service is available in Chicago and Houston metros: Rosenberg, Katy, Richmond, Dallas, Galveston, Sugar Land, Naperville, Wheaton, Plainfield, Aurora, Wheaton, Downers Grove, Lisle, Oakbrook, Morris, Marseilles, Joliet, Montgomery, Oswego, DeKalb. With reasonable travel we serve Springfield, Bloomington, Normal, Peoria, LaSalle, Ottawa, DixonBibbye Blog31086
Andreana Blog47636

Armoires - Elegant & Practical Storage Solutions For The Home

Armoires are quality items of furniture that look great and provide useful storage for things you don't want on permanent display, from home entertainment systems to computer equipment. An armoire is ideal for maintaining a tidy appearance in your home, and as they come is all kinds of styles, sizes and finishes you're sure to fine one that blends in perfectly with your existing furniture and dcor.

A TV armoire can have an impressive impact on the look and feel of a family room, allowing you to simply shut the doors to conceal your television, DVD player and other home entertainment accessories. Many people feel that their assortment of electrical gadgets dominates the room and is an unsightly focal point, in which case an armoire is the perfect solution. With wraparound doors that sit flush with the sides, armoires don't obstruct viewing, but do enable you to discreetly disguise your media equipment when it's not in use.

A computer armoire works in the same way, combining handsome good looks with function. The armoire doors open up to reveal a variety of specially-designed compartments and shelving for a CPU, monitor, printer and other accessories. A real advantage of an armoire is that you can close the doors on your clutter and escape from your work. Concealing your home computer in an armoire can instantly transform a room, and is particularly effective if your computer is tucked into a corner of a dining room or guest room that isn't a dedicated study or home office.

Wardrobe armoires are another version of this clever design and come with a combination of storage options such as clothing rails, shelves and drawers. They are great for extra closet space or in a child's room for storing toys and general clutter. A jewelry armoire is a miniature interpretation of the armoire design and is a well laid out place for keeping all types of jewelry safe and organized.

If your home is in need of a makeover, then an armoire can both add a touch of class to your home's image and provide somewhere to hide your clutter!

Caroline Smith is a regular contributor to - an online resource offering a range of TV, wardrobe and computer armoires.Auria Blog86779
Audi Blog81944

Things to See When Landing at Rome Airports

The technology revolution allows people today to have more resources at disposal and to plan their trip to Rome and to Italy optimizing the time in order to see more. To make an example, when you are just landed at Ciampino Rome airport, during your transfer to the hotel you can see the archaeological area of the Appian way and the acqueduct built by the emperor Claudius in 54 AD.

Opened in 312 b. C. by the censor Appius Claudius, during the Sannite wars, in order to join Rome with the southern provinces of the peninsula, with Africa and the East. It became in short time the elected road, sacred to the cult of the dead, crossed during the Latin holidays by the crowd going to the temple of Jupiter on the summit of mount Cavo or to the temple of Diana, by the shores of the Nemi lake.

The Appian way ran here straight -after this the name of " recto " - at first followed the line of an existing road to the Alban hills and reached the Agro Pontino. After the Appio Forum it touched the city of Terracina and it continued for Fondi until Capua. Some year later it was extended via Benevento and Venosa, native land of Orazio, and a century later to Taranto and Brindisi.

In the first years of II the century A.D. the emperor Trajan added his name to the road.

The beginning of the road, outside the Porta San Sebastiano, a gate in the city walls, is lined with interesting dilapidated buildings, including the church of Domine Quo Vadis, where St. Peter is supposed to have had a vision of Christ. Jesus's footprints were preserved for posterity in a slab of white marble (in the centre of the church floor). There are also three sets of catacombs close to this stretch of road - check opening times and days first as their long lunchtime closures can interfere with your day's planning.

With the New Appian Traian Way it was possible to go from Rome to Brindisi in 13/14 days with a total distance of 540 kilometres. The road was approximately 4.15 meters wide, enough to permit the transit of two chariots at the same time. Two sidewalks in earth delimited by stone flanked the track. Every 10/13 km in the most busy sections were aligned along the road the so-called "stations" for the change of the horses and " taberne ", which offered refreshments and lodging for travellers.

The construction was extremely difficult , was realized solving natural difficulties with an amazingly modern plan of conception which made of it a solid, rational road with easy access. Bridges across the rivers were built, valleys filled, heights flattened, channels dug, banks raised in order to contain waters of the rivers, it was covered with blocks of hard basalt that still today emerge from the road. After the fall of the empire and barbarian invasions the road fell into decay and was abandoned. The monuments were sacked and lost their works of art anddecorations; Grass grew wildly upon the road which slowly disappeared from sight. Columns, marbles, statues, friezes, relieves started to embellish the new buildings of the City, the new Christian basilicas and noble castles. Towards the half of the ' 700 historians started to dig discovering important works and collecting fragments.

The first Christian cemeteries rose along the Appian Way at the end of the I century: along this road the most important necropolis were discovered, the Catacombs of S. Callisto, going back to the II sec., and those of S. Sebastian, in which were housed for a while the bodies of the two Apostles of the Roman Church: Peter and Paul. The history has confirmed that the Apostle entered in the city walking along the Appian Way.

Few people know that if you arrive at the Rome airport Ciampino during the summer, you can reach from there in few minutes the summer residence of Castelgandolfo, where the pope spends his vacation time.

Stefano Sandano is an archaeologist of Rome and expert of his city. If you land at Rome airports and you want to visit Rome outside of the beaten paths you can visit Blog40191
Brunhilde Blog1766

Hot Market For Ultrasound Schools Graduates

To jumpstart your new career in a growing field, find and compare ultrasound schools with our quick and easy search for programs specializing in diagnostic medical sonography (ultrasound). In a heartbeat, you'll have information on the schools available in your area as well as online training options.

If you're wondering whether ultrasound training is really worth it, consider this:

-- A first year ultrasound technician can now earn up to $72,000 annually in the United States, which is a 30% increase over what sonographers earned just three years ago.

-- The number of jobs for diagnostic medical sonographers is expected to continue increasing for several years as scientists and physicians find new uses for the technology. For example, as ultrasound relies on sound waves rather than radiation, many patients and doctors prefer it over traditional x-rays. In addition, with the growing trend towards outpatient care, there are more private clinics springing up across the nation, and they need to employ their own team of sonographers.

-- While ultrasound is probably best known for its use in tracking pregnancies, ultrasound technicians can work in a variety of medical areas, such as neurology (brain), cardiology (heart), and oncology (cancer), among others.

-- Jobs for recent ultrasound schools graduates combine technical skill with human contact. Ultrasound technicians have direct contact with patients and are often responsible for explaining the procedure to them.

-- Competition for jobs is generally limited to other qualified individuals who have studied at ultrasound Schools or received comparable training.

You may think years of schooling are required to become an ultrasonagrapher. Actually, you can complete your training and join the workforce in as little as two years if you choose to study for an Associate's Degree. You can also study for a four-year Bachelor's Degree in ultrasound. Many colleges offer both options. Online study programs are also available and can often be completed in less time.

Ramon Mackenzie is the webmaster for To get an idea of the ultrasound Schools out there and learn more about their programs, check out Blog86805
Anabal Blog57538

Perfume - The Six Common Fragrance Groups

For men, as well as some women, finding the perfect perfume can be a stressful, time-consuming experience. . If you familiarize yourself with the six basic fragrance groups, you will not only save time, but also make your shopping experience more enjoyable. The following paragraphs will discuss the six common fragrance groups when it comes to perfume in order to assist you in finding the right perfume with more ease.

The floral category is the largest and most popular scent for perfumes. These scents are made mainly from different varieties of flowers. These varieties include roses, orange blossoms, vanilla and jasmine. Other flowers are also used, including different varieties of lilies and orchids.

The oriental category of perfume scents represents a relatively large group of scents, as well. These scents include heavy mixtures of spices, balsams, resins, and amber helping to suggest a warm, exotic sensation. This category is very popular during wintertime, and colder months of the year because of its heavy, musky traits.

The citrus category of perfume scents are derived from different fruits. These fruits can include lime, lemon tangerine and mandarin

This often creates a tangy aroma women find refreshing, as well as uplifting. This category of perfume scent is most popular during warm months.

This category of perfume scents was given its name by the French. It tends to create a strong feeling and are made from many different wood-moss mixes. These are often earthly aromas, such as oak moss, bergamot and other types of wood and wood moss

Perfumes falling in the Chypre category of sent are most generally strong, earthly scents.

Although it can be hard to describe the scent of a color, this is a real category of perfume scents. Perfumes falling into this category of scents tend to be sharp, outdoor scents. This includes the scents of pine, juniper, leaves and herbs

Lavender and cocoa are also examples of green scents.

The Fougere category of perfume scents is most common among men. These aromas are usually created from herbs and mossy ferns. Perfumes that fall into this category normally come together in a very sophisticated style. While men typically where scents that fall into this category, there are popular perfumes for women that fall into this category as well.

Most every fragrance retailer will make you think their perfume is a totally new scent, all scents are likely to fall into one of these six categories.

Taisha Grant writes about and Blog62201
Belia Blog50399

Bristol Royal Infirmary Scandal: After Ten Years The 'forgotten Families' Still Wait

A new website offers data on hospital success rates in childrens heart surgery but, according to Michelmores, families whose children were severely injured as a result of botched surgery at the Bristol Royal Infirmary ten years ago are still waiting. Those cases are not covered by the information.

After a decade, the scandal of BRI lingers on. Laurence Vick is head of clinical negligence at Michelmores and led the families legal team at the public inquiry into the scandal. He reveals that he is still fighting for justice on behalf of those he dubs the forgotten families.

He worked with more than one hundred families whose children died as a result of malpractice at the BRI. Two doctors and the chief executive were struck off by the General Medical Council after having been found guilty of serious professional misconduct.

But not all of the children tragically affected died of their injuries. A number of them were left with severe brain injury, and ten years after the scandal they are still fighting for justice.

Even though they were operated on by the struck off doctors, the NHS Litigation Authority has been fighting those childrens cases ever since. Because the NHS has denied responsibility, the families have been left to battle on as best they can. In several cases the children require round-the-clock care, but their families have had to look after them without any financial input from the NHS.

Now, Laurence Vick reveals that at least two of the cases are due to come before the courts during the next few months.

Everybody remembers the BRI scandal and much of public health policy is still driven by its repercussions, he says. Not a week goes by without a national newspaper or a government minister making reference to it. The Bristol childrens heart scandal scarred our perceptions of how we thought the NHS treats our children.

But the real scandal is that its still going on. The impression everybody has is that the dreadful goings-on at the hospital were exposed, those responsible were dealt with and the public inquiry made recommendations which would radically change the way that hospitals and surgeons behave in future.

At the same time, everybody believes that the grieving families received sympathetically justice and that we have moved on. But that is simply not the case.

A number of families, perhaps ten of them, have struggled on unrecognized for the past ten years, nursing children who were brutally injured as a result of having been operated on by the disgraced doctors. They have been forgotten by the public and the media, and justice delayed is justice denied.

Now there is a new website specifically aimed at giving information on success rates for heart surgery on children. I welcome it of course, but it illustrates the same problem we have been facing for the past ten years. It only looks at data on children who die as a result of clinical negligence, not at those who survive surgery but are left severely injured. There remains no data available on those operations.

Given this shortcoming, how can parents make an informed decision on the true success or failure rate of the surgeon or unit?

So in this ignorance of what is actually going on, for ten years the NHS litigation authority has been able to procrastinate and obfuscate the issues without the full exposure to the public glare which these outstanding cases deserve.

The new website is no help to them. But in the next few weeks or months at least two of these cases will come before the courts, when we must hope that justice is at last seen to be done.

The families case has drawn the attention of Norman Lamb, the Liberal Democrats health spokesman, who says: Its very important that justice is done and that the pain and distress of these families is finally put to an end.

Laurence Vick is a Clinical Negligence Solicitor and Partner at Michelmores Solicitors LLP For more information and articles rabout medical claims, medical negligence and clinical negligence by this author, visit. http://medneg.michelmores.comAnne Blog3714
Beatrice Blog30498

African American Scholarship

The African American population had been the most discriminated race in the country for the past decades. This resulted to fewer opportunities for the Blacks and lesser chances for them to prove their worth. And the worst hit was their opportunity to study.

Meanwhile, the new generation of African Americans is slowly entering the world of the all-White dominated society including the all-White fields such as Medicine, Sciences, Mathematics, Engineering, and Business. However, the African Americans participation in these mentioned fields is still unnoticed. There is still a great need for African American to take a significant chunk of pie in order to get noticed and be recognized. Although we can say that there are some African Americans who are outshining others in their fields, this is not enough.

Good thing, there are several institutions that are dedicated to provide the African American population with a good opportunity to study and become great in their own chosen fields.

For one, the United Negro College Fund has been helping African Americans to acquire education for years. They have awarded financial aids worth that go directly to 39 Historically Black Colleges and Universities across the United States. They have been receiving money for various organizations that are willing to help the African Americans to go to school. Two main sponsors are The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation funds and the Bank of America.

What are the 39 Historically Black Colleges and Universities?

The 39 Historically Black Colleges and Universities are schools wherein African Americans can study with relatively low tuition fee (as much as 52%) compared to other schools in the country. And with relatively low tuition fee, it never means that these schools are some backcountry community colleges. Some of these schools are well known such as Spelman College in Atlanta, Georgia, Stillman College in Tuscaloosa, Alabama, and Morehouse College in Atlanta, Georgia.

And with the increasing involvement of women in the world, there are institutions that provide African American women to study and finish with a degree. The National Association of Negro Business and Professional Womens Clubs, Inc. has 2 scholarships to be awarded to women who want to pursue undergraduate studies.

Another Scholarship institution that focuses in supporting African American students who want to pursue in the field of Science or Technology is the Development Fund for Black Students in Science and Technology.

There are more out there. If you are persistent enough, you will be able to find one for you.

This content is provided by Low Jeremy. It may be used only in its entirety with all links included. For more information on scholarship & other useful information, please visit http://scholarship.articlekeep.comAnni Blog72613
Aprilette Blog99104

Limitless Possibilities Through Free Online Dating

Due to the convenience of virtual communication and online socializing, online dating has been growing steady fast over the years. In fact, international online dating memberships show that online dating grows 20 percent yearly.

Statistics shows that in the United States alone, nearly 40 million Americans are currently subscribed to at least one online dating service. Surveys also show that over $300 million is spent annually for online dating and with over 800 online dating sites in the Internet today, this figure is expected to grow double in the coming years.


Veering away from the common notion that online dating is creepy and unsafe, online dating today has unveiled a new and refreshing face that has become acceptable to many. Banking on the concept of hassle-free and time-saving socialization alternative for people on-the-go, online dating has become a credible and reliable avenue in expanding ones social pool and connection.

With the advancement of future online matchmaking, more and more people are getting hooked to discovering endless possibilities trough online dating. Most people who are into online dating say that it is a good avenue for knowing and meeting other people because you can be very exact in your likes and dislikes and you get to choose who are the people you will communicate with that have the same interest as you are. While look into online dating as a fresh start to expanding their social connections, others see it as a catalyst for their personal renewal.

Aside from these, the following are remarkable benefits of online dating:

- If you want to ensure safety, online dating is safer compared to meeting someone personally. Today, online dating services create ways to protect their users identity until they are ready to reveal it.

- It is less expensive compared to regular dating. If you go out on a date, lets say in a restaurant, it would probably take you $70 to $100 in just one night. But going on an online dating service would cost you $20-$50 monthly that comes with special services plus you will have not only one opportunity to meet and know somebody but you can communicate with others without spending that much.

- Chance meeting is eliminated on online dating. Since you can access the Internet anytime, you can communicate and meet with people 24/7 without the hassle of chance meetings.

- Online dating opens up a better opportunity for you to get somebody better before getting into a commitment. Since the process of online dating moves on a slower pace compared to meeting and dating somebody in person, you will have longer time to know the person youre interested with.

- Dating at your ultimate comfort. Since online dating is virtual, there are lesser restrictions and definitely no dress codes. Instead of dressing up when you go on a date, you can date online without fussing about your physical appearance.

- You have more dating options and preferences to choose from. Since online dating includes so many people across the globe, you have wider reach to as many cultures as possible.

- Online dating services offer so many choices for you to narrow down. If you are looking for a potential partner, online dating will give you as many possibilities as possible. Since you can communicate with almost everyone on the Internet, you can have your own set of prospects and narrow them down according to your compatibility.


Today, virtual dating has become more popular with the emergence of countless websites that offer free online dating. Listed below are the most popular sites that offer free online dating:

1. Book of Matches. This is one popular site that offers free online dating because the creators believe that online dating should be free, fun, and easy. This specific site combines the ideas of human and computer matching that provides real-time environment.

2. Plenty of Fish. Bearing a tagline of 100% free, put away your credit card, users are allowed to search people by gender, by state, by city, or even by birthday.

3. Dating Hall. It is quite popular because it offers free membership so people could search fun and friendship, romance, love, and marriage, partners.

4. Connecting Singles. It has many supporters because it provides an option for the members/users to meet by choice not by chance.

5. Friend Finder. This site offers free online dating that opens the door for friendship, dating, and romance.

Dr. Nathalie Fiset is a family doctor and a certified hypnotherapist. For more information go to: or Blog35621
Ailey Blog82950

Useful Advice For Cats: How To Care For Your Human

For us cats there are several sweet advantages in having a human as a pet. But remember you are taking on a big responsibility when you adopt one or more humans. Humans are demanding pets that need daily care and attention.

With responsibility come both advantages and disadvantages. If you adopt a human you must get used to spending time at home. Your human does not deal well with being left alone - they will get into all sorts of mischief. For example, if you are gone just two or three days you run the risk of seeing posters put up all over the neighborhood. Your human will put out an APB on you ! Often with an embarrassing text that reveals all sorts of personal details - and usually accompanied by an unflattering photo of you - with morning fur and crumpled whiskers. Exactly the kind of thing that attracts ridicule from all the neighbor cats.

So please consider carefully if you are ready for a life with humans. And remember humans generally grow very old, so there is a big chance that you will spend the rest of your life with your human.

Entertaining your Human

The litter box provides a great opportunity for entertaining your human. Naturally there is all the fun your human can have cleaning and scooping out the box. A lot of human time can also be used getting fresh litter - going to the pet store, transporting it home etc. However many humans like new challenges. Utilize your litter box time in making interesting and artistic renderings of countries or well known islands. Your human will have lots of fun guessing which one you made. Humans like game-shows - so this should be a popular activity. When your human increases in skill you can also make portraits of family and friends. Start with profile portraits - this will make it easer for your human.


Make it a priority to shed indoors on appropriate surfaces. Fleece is a particularly suitable material to shred on. All you need to do is pass close by your human when he or she is wearing fleece. All cat hair within a radius of about 2 feet from the fabric will immediately be transferred to your human. No brushing necessary for several days ! Another good solution is to get access to a filled clothes hamper. Jump into it and give all contents a good work over. An extra bonus with this method is that most cat hairs will survive a trip to the washing machine. Your human will be stylishly accessorized with cat hair on all outfits.

Extra Food

All chances for a bit of extra food must and should be taken advantage of. Whenever your human is in the kitchen there is a prime opportunity of getting an extra snack. When your human is busy at the kitchen table place yourself in your humans blind angle (just behind the ankle is usually a good spot). And the second your human moves one of both feet you jump back screaming your most heart-wrenching cry. Your human will automatically assume that he/she stepped on you. When your human looks back scared to see what is happening look up at him/her with a painful expression on your face (practice this before hand in front of a mirror). Your human's bad conscience will often result an edible apology.

Grass Etiquette

Before you eat grass make sure that you are close to a suitable place to throw up on. Delicate furniture fabrics, precious carpets, and shoes are all good places. If you choose furniture aim for the part that has non-removable fabric. When you are getting down to business make sure you back up a step or two so that you cover the largest area possible. Another technique is to do several items with pauses in-between. Persian carpets will give a good camouflage effect and your little gift will often not be discovered until somebody steps in it.

Preventing your human from wasting valuable time

One of the most important tasks we cats have is to prevent humans in wasting their time. Humans love to spend their time on things with no relevance for cats. For example watching TV, reading, talking on the phone - and many other things that have no entertainment value for us cats what so ever. A lot of methods can be used to prevent human time waste - use your imagination. Some especially effective techniques will be mentioned here.

Watching TV; make sure that you always position yourself between the TV and your human. On the coffee table for example. You can also lie on the TV and let you tail or paws swing down in front of the screen. This method is most effective on small screens where you can cover a large percentage of the screen. It is a bit trickier with a flat screen - and only recommended for the agile kitty. A variation can be used with a computer screen. The new flat screens often leave a lot of empty space on the desk - so just get up in front - remind your human of how wonderful you are.

Cleaning; stalk the vacuum cleaner and attack when it passes by. You can also pretend that you want to attack the vacuum cleaner but "accidentally" catch a foot instead.

Garden work; jump repeatedly up-and-down and scatter any leaves that your human has raked together. Attack gardening tools - especially while they're being used. Immediately dig up any newly planted seeds, plants and flowers.

Closed Doors

Under no circumstances accept closed doors that separate you from your human. At any and all times you have a right to know what your human is doing. If the situation do arise when you by accident have been placed on the wrong side of a door you need to make your human aware of this ASAP so he/she can remedy the situation immediately. Loud meows and scratching on the door should be sufficient to get your humans attention. If this is ignored you need to take more drastic measures: Make a sound as if you are going to throw up. This sound can be heard by all humans in a 50 feet radius. This sound can also be heard through closed doors. The "puke sound" will always result in your human's immediate presence.

Sleeping Time

It is important for us cats to prioritize our sleeping time. The objective is to get as much sleep done as possible while your human is awake. You will then be especially well rested and bushy-tailed at night when it is your job to keep your human awake. You can for example use the classical "cat-play with toes" and attack everything that moves under the duvet. You can also reenact highlights from last year's Grand National Steeplechase by revealingly galloping across the bed. A couple of loud meows will give it an extra exiting dimension for your human


Houseguests require special attention and handling. The following procedures should be followed:

Houseguests that either do not like us or are allergic to us: As soon as they sit down - jump onto their lap.

Noisy children that run after you and/or pull your tail: It is your duty to punish them - it can be necessary to use both claws and teeth. However be prepared that this can result in noise that is even more annoying and of an even louder decibel level.

Guests that try to get in contact with you by ingratiating themselves and speaking in a sweet voice: Should just be ignored. If they try to approach you, back away 5-6 feet - never further away than they feel encouraged to try again. With a bit of practice this game can he kept going for hours.

Bad Weather

Even in bad weather it can be necessary to go outside. The rain and wet ground will result in an unpleasant layer of dirt and mud on your paws. However this can easily be dried off on certain appropriate indoor spots. Find a light carpet, a duvet cover or nice piece of furniture and walk over it a couple of times. When your paw tracks are almost invisible your paws are clean and you are ready to go outside again.

Training your Human

Sometimes it can be necessary to discipline even a well-trained human. However do remember never to hit a human. At the most mark with a soft paw on the human's arm or hands. But try first to make your human understand what it has done wrong. And most importantly: be patient! The human intellect is relatively limited and it can be difficult for them to understand our wishes and needs.

Even after approximately 5000 years of domestication the human species still has primitive instincts and it does take time to train your human completely.

Door Training

One of the first things you need to teach your human is to open the front door, the garden door and backdoor when required. This is done by walking up to a door and make an impatient and very loud meow. Make some tripping steps with your back paws obviously indicating that you need to go to the outdoor litter box. When your human has gotten up from the couch and opened the door you decide that you do not really need to go outside right now. Just for appearances you can stand in the open door and pretend that you are thinking about the situation for a few seconds before you turn around to go inside again. Repeat this procedure several times a day. This will keep your human in good door opening form.

Inspection of the House

A house usually has unlimited possibilities for suitable sleeping spots. Every possibility no matter how theoretical should be investigated and tested. Cardboard boxes, cupboards, drawers, couches and beds are obvious localities, but places such as old slippers (size 11 or higher) open gymbags or kitchen cupboards should not be overlooked.

The house should further be investigated for all possible toys. An old sock can represent several hours of entertainment if you get your claw on a loose end and unravel a couple of miles worth of yarn. You human will love to tidy up after your play.

Martine Carlsen is owned by two wonderful silver abyssinian cats, Sonny and Cher. She is also a web designer and the proud owner and creator of And as you can tell from her website, cats play a big part in both her life and her work.Aubry Blog20536
Alfie Blog28114

Short Term Bridging Loans Own Property Instantly At Low Cost Finance

You have set eyes on a property either commercial or personal and you need to buy it immediately before any property grabber takes note of it. But there is a problem. You would be selling your old property to get required finance for buying the new one. The old property however will take time to sell. There is a solution in short term bridging loans.

Short term bridging loans are provided for the time the borrower is able to sell old property to pay off the loan. As the term applies the loan is taken usually for a short period till old property is sold. Short term bridging loans are secured loans. The very property the borrower will be selling is taken by the lender as collateral to secure the loan. How much one can borrow? Well this depends on the value of the property to be sold and offered as collateral. Lenders are willing to offer 65 percent of the value of the property to be sold.

Since short term bridging loans are taken for a shorter repayment period of few weeks to 6 months. Lenders charge higher interest rate. This however can be countered by comparing different loan packages and comparatively lower interest rate can be availed. The relief for the borrower is that no monthly installments are involved in the loan and only interest is paid during the loan repayment duration. The principal amount is paid back when the borrower is able to sell the old property. No upfront fee is involved in the loan offer which is another advantage for the borrower.

The biggest advantage of short term bridging loans is that it is in the hands of the needy borrower within 24 hours. Fast approval is the key and attractive feature of the loan. But you should keep all documents ready for taking the loan in time.

In order to take maximum advantage from the loan goes for an extensive searching for the short term bridging loans providers. Numbers of the loan providers have displayed their short term bridging loans products on their websites. Make a careful comparison in terms of interest rates and other conditions. See what suits you the best. Settle for the lender having suitable package for you and apply then and there online to him. The lender will not take anything for processing loan application and on giving information about the loan.

Surely short term bridging loans provide the much needed finance at the right time when you are looking for buying new property commercial or personal. Compare different loan package on offer prior to sealing the deal.

Eva Baldwyn aims to inform common men and women of the several issues involved in personal loans and mortgages through her articles. An MSc in Economics & Finance from the Warwick Business School is proof enough of the knowledge that she possesses in the field of finance. To find bridging loan, commercial bridging loan, residential bridging loan, personal bridging loan, short term bridging loan, development bridging loan, bridging loan advice in UK visit Diane Blog1783
Atlante Blog24565

Are You A Go-Getter? Online Career Training Puts You In Charge

Patience is a virtue or so we have been told. Is that still true for todays generation who demand instant gratification? It is open for debate but one thing is for sure we live in a fast-paced world. Things happen almost at the speed of light and before they can be comprehended the next big thing is already taking place. This is a fact of all areas of life including education. People want to learn a skill or gain knowledge that will allow them to earn a great income. Society teaches us that the key to doing this is to go to college. However, todays lightening-paced generation does not necessarily want to spend four years of their lives trying to earn a college degree.

So whats the answer? For some the answer may be career training. This training provides skills and knowledge to a student at a self-chosen pace. Once a student enrolls in a career training course how fast the training is absorbed will be determined by the individual. If a person wants to slowly digest the training that can be done. If the person prefers to gulp it down quickly that can be done as well. It is entirely up to the student to decide how much learning is to be done and at what pace. Depending on the course selected a student could learn a new skill in as little as three months and be fully prepared to enter the job market right away! No four year degree program can make that claim.

In addition to learning at ones own pace, career training also allows a student to learn in ones own environment. Career training courses can be provided online so a student can study a course at any time or place as long as a computer with internet access is available. This will also help keep the pace moving along because it wont be necessary to spend time driving to a college campus. Nor will a student have to sit in a stuffy classroom with scores of other students learning at a pace set by the professor. Without a commute to a college campus the student saves precious time that could be well spent in other areas of life, such as working a part-time job or spending time with the family.

The technologically advanced world we live in moves faster than a speeding electron. Unfortunately, those who fail to keep up get left behind and may never catch up again. Career training can help a person to not only keep up with the rat race but actually get ahead of the pack. So why not take a few minutes of your time to look into career training? It will be time well spent.

Copyright 2006 Sherry Harris

Sherry Harris is the President of online career training school, Malibu Institute. For more information on master certificate courses and career education offered, go to: http://www.MalibuInstitute.comAnnabel Blog9874
Carlee Blog84851

Woman business loans: offers easy cash flow

To enhance the spirit of business women in the business, today business loans are offered to the woman so that they dont get interrupted due to lack of cash. Woman business loans help the women to meet ever rising expenses in the business with easy cash flow.

Woman business loans are designed keeping in mind the basic necessities that business woman comes across in her business. No doubt, capital requirement of the business varies from the type of business i.e. higher if you are starting a new business compared to the seasoned business.

Therefore, woman business loans can be used for varied purposes like buying new machinery, furniture, patent, raw material etc. for the new business. Whereas, in seasoned business, business loan can be used for business upgradation, business expansion, recruitment or day-to day expenses etc.

While availing woman business loan, a woman must know that they can avail either secured or unsecured business loan for smooth cash flow i.e. depending upon the borrowers financial and credit history.

The secured business loans are taken against the some collateral so that it is placed against the security. Collateral can be borrowers land, office premises, machinery etc. Therefore, in secured business loans, borrower enjoys the larger amount at cheaper rates and for longer time frame.

On the other hand, unsecured business loans do not require any collateral though interest rate charged is relatively high compared to secured loans. The best part of unsecured business loan is that they are approved within shorter time period as no time is utilized in the collateral evaluation.

Women with adverse credit i.e. poor or bad credit like CCJs, IVA, defaults, bankrupts or arrear holders can also access woman business loan. However, proper and diligent repayment can even improve their credit rating.

Woman business loans are easily accessed through banks, financial companies and online lenders. So while opting for the woman business loan dont rush in making a fast decision as you must compare and contrast the interest rates, repayment option etc for a suitable deal.

So, if you have an innovative idea in your mind for your business doesnt worry as for you, woman business loans are designed.

Ben Gannon is a senior financial analyst at Woman Business Loans with an acumen for business and loans. His articles are widely read because of the lucid manner of wriiting and thoroughly researched datas. To find Woman business loans , woman business loan start up uk, advance woman business loans, bad credit woman business loan, online woman business loans uk visit Blog8756
Amity Blog33905

Lingerie: It Can Be Both Sexy And Comfortable

Between men and woman there will always be different opinions on what to buy. Lingerie can be sexy, and comfortable as well as long it is the right size. Dont try to wear bras and underwear for the size you want to be, wear the right size for you and you will be more comfortable and definitely more yourself.

It is estimated that over 70% of women wear the wrong bra size. A bra that is too tight can leave a pinching red mark on your back caused by the tightened elastic. It will also lead to bad posture because the breasts are not supported correctly. If you are wearing a bra where you are coming out of it or your curves not smooth than the bra may be too small. If the strap of the bra is coming up from under your rib cage the bra may be too small as well. Make sure to have the correct measurements and then go from there.

In buying underwear it depends on what the occasion will be as you would probably not wear the same underwear painting your house as you would if you were at the clubs. A thong can be a sexy piece of underwear with the right outfit but it can also be uncomfortable at times. Pick the underwear that fits you, comfortable, and fits the occasion.

When buying sexy lingerie pick something that could get your lover excited but dont just pick it because you want to see either your partner or you in it, pick it for your partner as you will be happier later. You can shop for lingerie together or make a surprise gift for a special occasion or just to surprise them. Its all about what taste you have: if you like it try it, if not leave it. It all matters as to what can turn a couple on, not anyone else.

Hazel Smith writes for, a website packed with lingerie articles and resourcesArdeen Blog24592
Andreana Blog47636

Temporary Staff And Motivation - Are Short-term Contracts Damaging The Health Of Your Organisation?

Why do managers use temporary contracts and agency staff? Sometimes it is for short-term projects. But often it is simply a device to try and get round the constraints of employment legislation, in the hope of keeping flexibility in an uncertain future in essence, shifting the risk of job security from the firm to the individual. Of course, European legislation has recently made this more difficult. But there is a bigger question underlying the practice: whether using temporary contracts improves or harms an organisations performance.

In general, the popular assumption has been that people will work harder if they have to get their contract renewed in a few months, and that that will improve output. On the other hand, it is argued that people on temporary contracts may be more dissatisfied and so perform less well. Psychologists in this area have performed useful studies over recent years, though the results have not always been what one would expect.

Mark OSullivan of Birkbeck tested the question in a small but representative study of UK public sector employers, by looking at expectations of staff performance (through scores in the recruitment process) against how they actually performed (through staff appraisal scores), and seeing whether this comparison was different for those on temporary contracts. The results depended on how employable staff felt. Professionals who expected easily to be able to find another job resented being put on temporary contracts and performed less well. But less skilled or mobile staff in areas with fewer vacancies did work harder and produced more.

A subsequent major survey-based study is now under way across a number of European countries, led by David Guest of Kings College London. Initial results suggest that staff often now prefer to be on temporary contracts but that the reason is that it is a way of avoiding the more difficult or less visible work: this gets given to the permanent staff, who also have to put up with the long hours needed to deliver it, while their temp colleagues are already down the pub. The effect on organisational performance has not yet been measured, but seems unlikely to be positive.

We can conclude that the true position is complex, and that no one should offer temporary contracts without a good deal of thought: motivational effects on both the temporary employees and on their permanent colleagues may be hard to predict. And a small early investment in expert advice may pay dividends later on.

Mark O'Sullivan writes for IMS Interim Executives, an international S-Cat approved interim management provider. Visit for interim management, change and turnaround consultancy, for project management visit Blog62888
Celestine Blog78642

The Cheapest Wedding

Recently I had the pleasure of helping a friend organise her sister's wedding. It didn't just have to be cheap it had to be the cheapest wedding ever, they had both just finished university and like most students they were pretty broke.

The date was set and to keep costs down the local registery office was the venue, not the prettiest of places, it was definately built for function rather than looks. Luckily the public park was close and we helped find some great places for the photographs.

The bride to be had some fantastic and unusual ideas for her cheap wedding dress but on one of the many shopping trips fell in love with a beautiful cream summer dress, perfect for the wedding day. Shoes were borrowed from the big sister - very important to have sister's or friends with the same size feet!

Flowers were kept very simple with button holes for the groom and best man and a corsage for the bride.

The venue for the wedding reception was at the big sister's garden - not massive but with standing room only 65 people were fitted in - very good job everyone knew each other!

The wedding breakfast was a buffet, all sourced from the local supermarket, and we made a stunning display with fruit as the centerpiece.

The total cost for the wedding was only a few hundred, but the day was beautiful and simple and all about the happy couple.

Suzanne Daykin is owner of Blog83065
Cammi Blog3116

Save Boat Loads Of Cash Buying Used Books

Some of us have been buying used books before the idea caught on with people. Prior to this, buying used books was considered to the option for indigent people.

Buying used books was only common among college students and book lovers, who realized that visiting used book shops not only provide the opportunity to save money, but will also results in a pleasant buying used books experience.

Over the years, buying used books has become more difficult and to be candid more frustrating, because the big chain bookstores are muscling the small autonomous ones out of business. Thus, buying used books has suddenly become in one part a challenge, and in the another part an almost pleasant used books as well as new ones can now be purchased online.

This is good news to me though, because buying used books not only saves time, money, but also saves reclusive people like me, social interaction with annoying characters out there.

My recent experience in a bookstore clearly drives this point home. Many stores are now frequented by people who just laze around and just peek through books and magazines they probably will not buy, but will only stain and wrinkled with their greedy paws. These stores are now places where people hang out and impede genuine shoppers with integrity from gaining access.

This has made physical store very repulsive to me, as I now buy my used books online. The advantage inherent in this is twofold. Online bookstores offer the same service like physical stores, and they also stock very rare titles of used books. And to aid you in getting the best service about buying used books online, below are some list some premium websites: is one of the largest bookstores around. The actual office in Oregon is a city block long and stories high. This store is very big and stocks millions of books.

When you are looking for a title, is a good place to look for such book. You can use the search engine at EBay or check out good online bookstores where it takes book vendors as far away as the U.K a few days to ship orders from consumers. is a perfect antidote to the nightmare physical store I described above, as it is an affordable online bookstore for both new and used books. is another online bookstore worth checking out. It is entirely independent, and receives no state or funding from the state.

Benny Carlson - Blog8173
Bernardine Blog70522

You Can't Sell Consulting Services Over The Web, Or Can You?

In the professional services industry, if there's one thing that creates inertia to investment in online marketing, it's the belief that you can't sell consulting services over the web. There's an element of truth in this, but a whole lot wrong with it. So read on if you want to look at this from an entirely different angle that could transform your approach to sales pipeline building.

Of course it's true that people won't get their credit cards out to buy high priced intangible products that normally have long sales gestation periods and require expert conversations before a deal takes place. However don't let this fool you into ignoring the stages of the sales and marketing process where the web can make massive contributions, it can shrink sales cycles and automate lead generation by taking people out of the process. What it can do for you is bring more prospects to the table, win their trust and get them deeper into your sales funnel without expensive people ever having met them!

Once you've moved to this way of thinking, you'll have prospects knocking on your door rather than you on theirs, your sales pipeline will be a lot healthier, your expensive people will be better utilized and your cost of client acquisition will be much lower than it is today.

If you are going to move to this mindset you need to work on three key things:

1. Talk in the needs' language of your target audience.

2. Provide useful information that educates them and earns their trust.

3. Make your website the hub for all marketing campaigns.

Here's how:

1. Talk in the needs' language of your target audience.

The buying language of consulting consumers is often very different to the selling language used by consultants on their websites. This results in a misalignment between the buyer and the seller. We all know that consultants like to talk about themselves more than they do about their clients! When your clients go online to do their research, you want to be the one that sings their song and presses their buttons. So if you do your homework and identify with their needs, wants and issues, rather than your products, services and company, then you'll be the one to grab their attention and bring them one step closer.

2. Provide useful information that educates them and earns their trust.

Most of the time consumers of professional services do a lot of online research to develop their issue or thinking before they decide on their provider. Would you like to help them do their research? You bet! These people will be grateful to you for good quality information, help and advice. Consulting is a relationship business, so when they're ready to buy, you'll be right up there in their mind as someone they trust to provide the expertise they need. So if you make it easy for them by providing valuable and useful information in the form of white papers, advisory articles, presentations, research reports, podcasts etc. then you'll be the one they trust and they won't be reserved in picking up the phone to you.

3. Make your website the hub for all marketing campaigns.

Most consulting firms who have a marketing plan treat their website like a separate strand of activity, along with direct mail, telemarketing, event speaking, sponsorship, advertising etc. The problem with much of this is the difficulty in measuring results. If you make your website the central hub for all marketing activities, then you can measure the return on investment from all of your campaigns. Make sure you've got a good visitor tracking tool installed (e.g. Opentracker), build special landing pages for each campaign, automate the delivery of your information products and capture contact information for use in on-going marketing communications. If you do these things you'll be well on your way to lights out lead generation'!

So is it stupid to think you can sell professional services and consulting over the web?

Well it's doable for advisory products at a sub $1000 price point, but generally speaking you cannot close a complex deal online. But you can use the web to get your first meeting with a prospect, and if you use this as your main objective then you'll soon be pushing leads into your sales pipeline with much less effort and cost.

Tony Rice is a partner at Equiteq LLP, experts in M&A for the consulting industry. He has spent his career marketing to blue chip companies and was CEO of an award winning internet marketing project at BT plc. Tony often helps consulting clients to develop effective marketing plans for growth prior to the sale of their firm. Blog3395
Brynna Blog61396

Starting A Business? When You Go Into Business - Go In To Win

Working in a business you enjoy can be a fun and rewarding experience, whether you're 8 or 80. But the fun soon wears off if your business doesn't yield an early profit. Certainly, there are some businesses like affiliate sales, in which your profit will be delayed based on the commission payout cycle. In such a business, you can expect profits to begin a little later than in a quick turnover business like selling your own digital products.

The bottom line of any business is the income it produces. Business longevity is tied to the profits received at the end of the financial period. Spending more money than you take in may be necessary in the beginning stages of a business. However, operating at a loss must be reversed as quickly as possible. Mounting debts can spell disaster.

Your business safety net is strengthened when you have strict control over expenditures, seize genuine opportunities, undertake well-calculated risks, and have an overall strategy to generate ongoing income. Also, you will need to finance opportunities and gather the necessary marketing resources to exploit them.

A lot of small businesses fail because of limited resources. If you lack the necessary capital to develop an idea, you will need to call on others for help. Make sure that your product, service, or idea is innovative, has a ready market, and is within your expertise to develop.

In order for your business to succeed, you must provide a REAL and a DISTINCT value to your customers. Do more than your customers expect and more than your competitors do and your company will succeed. Add a feature to your product or service that your competitors don't have.

We're currently living in a marketplace where doing something well isn't good enough anymore. You must do it better. You must do it better than your competitors do it. And you must do it better than you probably did it before.

How can you accomplish this? By continuously improving your knowledge of your business and your customers. By reinvesting your profits to acquire new tools, by employing new techniques used in your industry, and by constantly adding value to your product or service. Implementing these practices will help you keep good customers for a long time.

The essential ingredients to winning in business revolve around your marketing skills, product or service presentation, decision-making, problem- solving ability, and the determination to achieve carefully planned goals. A strong belief in your organizing ability and effectiveness as a businessperson is also required.

Your objective is to minimize the chance of failure while maximizing the chance of success. Developing the aforementioned skills will help you to reach that objective.

Whenever you choose a new business, keep profits foremost in your mind. With a mature, reliable approach to your business, you can easily build a big income within a few years. Aim for huge profits in your business. Don't settle for a dime when you can earn a dollar instead. By aiming for big profits, you prepare yourself for periods of reduced income caused by conditions you cannot control.

Adopt an attitude of seeking out the best in every deal, and you'll start a big and steady flow of income into your business. Always keep in mind this important fact: In business, profit is your goal.

Diamonique Fortune has been operating a successful home business for more than ten years. She is the author of several ebooks and reports, and the owner of and Fortune Capital Publishing Co., LLC.Bobine Blog17327
Benetta Blog47462

Guide to Buying a Webcam

How web broadcasting works

Webcams are those handy little cameras that attach to your PC and send images to a web page that can be viewed by others. This enables you to share daily life events with friends and family in other parts of the country or the world, or to arrange a video-conference with colleagues and maintain long distance relationships of all kinds. Of course the number of ways to use this technology is limited only by your imagination.

Web Cameras

But before you buy a webcam, it pays to understand a little about how the technology of broadcasting images over the Internet works. Of course, if you're a full bottle on this already, you can skip this section and go straight to browsing the options on where you can compare products and suppliers, their specifications and prices.

Webcams provide 'real time' images of people; places and events that can be viewed 'live' on a web page. The broadcasting end has a camera that captures the images, feeds them into a computer to an ISP and out to viewing pages across the Internet. There are two different types of broadcast: streaming images, where the images are a constant stream downloaded in video format; or Java, where the images are captured at fixed time intervals and refreshed on the web pages at a rate fixed by the broadcaster.

The Applications - What are you intending to broadcast, and to whom?

There is a wide range of uses of webcam technology. Some examples include personal 'Big Brother' style diaries, sharing of family events, workplace security, video conferencing, virtual tourism, road traffic management, weather watching, event broadcast and a host of others.

Before you make a choice about any webcam equipment, it helps to decide exactly how you want to use the technology, in other words, what you are intending to broadcast. This decision will impact upon the type of camera you use, and how you use it.

A second consideration is, who will be viewing your content? What level of quality is expected? This will help determine the type of camera you use, the software involved and your Internet connection. Of course, your Internet connection may be a limitation on how much you can do.

The requirements for video conferencing are different from the requirements of workplace security, which are different again from the requirements of sharing a family event.

The physical components

There are a number of physical components required to make web cam technology work. At the top of the list is the camera itself. Then, depending on the type of camera you use and the way in which you want to deliver the content to the Internet, you may need to incorporate video capture hardware in your computer. Some software is required to help you process the data, and Internet connection is required and a web page into which the data is fed.


Your choice of camera depends somewhat on what you are intending to show. If you need to reach a large public audience yo may want good quality camcorder or megapixel camera that captures high quality images. If it's just for seeing who's at your front door or keeping an eye on the kids in their playroom, then it may not need to present high quality images. If you are intending to use it outdoors, it will need to be weather proof and you may need to consider sun and UV protection. Available power supply and any robotic requirements for camera movement and focus are extra considerations.

Dedicated webcams

The most basic webcams connect to a PC using a simple USB connection. A wide range of cameras with accompanying software at a range of prices is available for this type of application. Simply search though to compare prices and specifications. Dedicated webcams are simple to install and easy to use, but come with limitations that affect the quality of the images, such as low number of frames per second (refresh rates) and resolution (pixels per inch).

Camcorders and security cameras

Higher quality images and more camera control come from using camcorder and security cameras. To use these devices you will need to add a video capture card to your PC. Once you have that installed however, you can use a wide range of cameras from broadcast cameras to miniature spy cameras. You can include variable lens options, filters for daylight and low light situations, as well as robotic controls for panning and focus adjustments. You can search through for camcorder selections.

Integrated cameras

An integrated camera combines the camera and the optical hardware with a video server, and as such requires no additional software. They can be used in network situations or as stand-alone devices for monitoring progress on a construction project for example.

Megapixel cameras

Network megapixel cameras combine network capability with high quality digital camera technology. These cameras offer excellent quality but this creates large files sizes, therefore they have limited application in constant streaming video. However for interval refreshed archive image collection, they are ideal, providing a constant record and high quality. You can search through for digital camera selections.


If you are not using an integrated camera solution, you will need to install an encoding program like Webcaster or MediaCaster to transfer your images to a web page.

At the receiver end, when web surfers browse the internet and wish to view live video on the web for the first time, they will need to download dedicated applications that show the content such as an ActiveX control, Windows Media player, Flash player or the like.


Finally, you need an Internet connection. The hardware you will need may include a modem for dial-up connection, or modem/router for a broadband solution. Naturally the higher the quality you want, or the faster refresh rate you want, the more bandwidth you will need. ADSL (Broadband) is going to offer you the best solution, but keep in mind what your Internet connection when you are making choices of cameras and feeder software.

Webcam applications work well with wireless solutions. Make sure when you are purchasing a camera or network video solution that it is compatible with any wireless system you may be using in a LAN.

Key considerations

The specifications that are variable with webcam applications, and are affected by camera type, web interface and Internet connection, include the number of frames per second and the image resolution.

Frames-per-second is the number of times a still image flashes by in a second to give the appearance of moving pictures. In Australia, the standard television PAL format is at 25 frames per second. A webcam with up to 30 frames per second will show normal video images. But the more frames per second you demand, the more bandwidth, memory and processing power is required.

Resolution is measured the number of pixels per inch. High quality photographs require a high resolution. But the standard for web images is a low 72 dpi. Higher resolution images will not be of any better visual quality, just slower to upload and download.

Use to compare different webcams, camcorders and digital cameras. You can compare the prices and specifications of the different products and brands, and a wide range of reputable vendors.

Andrew Gates is a writer for comparison online shopping site - , helps you compare web cameras - and buy online from top-rated online stores. You can also read webcams reviews - and specifications.Arleta Blog33676
Aimee Blog45285

Get Body Building Supplement Know-How

Body Building Supplements

Not only is our population growing so too is a keen interest in body building and bodybuilding supplements. Lot of changes in the world of body building supplements so it more important to stay up-to-date on current trends. The out look of the people with respect to fitness is changing. Fitness is no longer for the sportsmen and people in the show business. Fitness is perceived as an essential part of the good life.

The body building industry is, therefore, on the rise. And this has gained momentum not only in terms of equipment and techniques available for body building, but also in the area of supplements that are available making the entire process of body building more effective.

The general opinion of people about body building supplements mostly stems from their ignorance. It is a myth that all body building supplements are good and effective. It is also not true that the body building enthusiast can just take any old supplement and then body building is easy, like magic. Bodybuilding takes hard work with know-how and getting and taking the right supplements.

Repeated scientific studies have demonstrated that many supplements are ineffective when it comes to stacking up energy, proteins, etc and using them up later, when required.

Have a look at the following list of supplements that have actually proven to be scientifically effective with minimal side effects:

* Creatine one of the few supplements that has been proven effective, but only when consumed with a solid nutritional base and a proper exercise regime.

* Multiple vitamins and minerals is generally effective when taken in the mornings and evenings.

* Essential fatty acids omega-3 is the most common body building supplement which has the essential fatty acid required by the person on a body building routine.

* Protein powder if muscular growth is the primary objective of the body building program, then the builder must have protein based supplements. It is important to take note of yield, amino acid profile (BCAA - EAA ratio), WPI - WPC ratio, filler percentage, taste, ease of use, blending capacity, digestibility, etc, before taking such supplements.

* Vitamin C and Vitamin E

* Glutamine very helpful in generation and circulation of essential hormones, this synthesizes proteins and is to be taken in dosage of 5-15 grams.

* Acidophilus and/or Fructooligosaccharides (FOS) helps removal of gastrointestinal problems.

* Alpha Lipoic Acid regulates blood sugar

* Coenzyme Q-10 an anti oxidant used to improve cardiac health and gums.

* Green Tea Extract another anti oxidant.

* Psyllium Husks and/or Flax Seeds provide

Jack Tracy has a passion for body building and has a web site at: with Tips, Articles and Secrets all about Body Building for you http://www.bodybuildingmojo.comAshlan Blog71048
Caryn Blog41028

How To Have A Low Cost Web Site With High Cost Features

There a lot of solutions out there that enables anyone to create a web site.

Though these solutions usually give a variety of templates that the user can choose from and customize with his own information.

The problem arises when the site owner wants more than just an informative site.

He wants to communicate with his web site surfers, receive feedback from them in a variety of issues i.e. Contact us form, Polls, Feedback and many more Web Forms.

To create and add these Web Forms usually he needs a programmers help (paid of course) that will build him the code of those Web Forms and to upgrade his hosting from a simple HTML hosting to Code / Database hosting.

These operations increase the cost of the web site ten folds and even more.

There are some solutions out there that enable a non programmer web site owner to create and manage forms, in this article I would like to suggest one of them: is web platform that enables you to do that and more.

Creating a form is the first step using the system.

The form creator tool is a user friendly web form designer, which does not require graphic or technical skills whatsoever.

Using the form creator tool, one can create, change and delete forms.

Also you can publish the form through your web site (using the formlogix platform with no need for database and expensive hosting)

Once data is gathered through the form, one can view it using a web based interface.

The information viewed can be sorted and sliced for maximum comfort.

You will also be able to create, edit, and delete data.

Whenever there is a new data entry, you will be advised via e-mail, and will thus be kept up-to-date.

Highly sophisticated query builder will assist you in filtering your data, and creating charts based on it.

You can use the platform to create:

Contact us forms, registration forms, surveys, polls, business forms, order forms, questionnaires, employee satisfaction forms - these are only a few of an endless range of forms, that can be produced with the Formlogix form creator tool.

Alex Liverant is a senior software computer engineer with an experience of over 15 years in programming an design architecture. Hes currently a senior software engineer in http://www.formlogix.comAnni Blog68956
Biddy Blog62432

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